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Are Nuts Good for Gout Diet

Did you  know that , not only  nuts and seeds is safe for gout, they relieve pain too .

U ric acid, waste products found in blood is produced w hen our body  break down substances in food called purines. H igh uric acid levels can lead to gout, a form of inflammatory arthritis that cause s  by deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints . P ain, stiffness and swelling happens w hen our body is unable  process and eliminate enough uric acid .

Furthermore, h igh levels of uric acid are also associated with the development of Type 2 D iabetes.

H ere are the main points you should take note.

Nuts and seeds are a marvellous source of protein in a gout diet because :

  • M ost nuts and seeds are low in purine content. Low-purine foods are those that contain less than 50mg purines per 100 grams (3.5 ounces)
  • B oth nut s and seeds are high in healthy fats, which helps reduce the inflammation and pain from gout
  • Both are also good sources of the vitamins and minerals needed to make your body gout-proof

N ow ,  let us introduce you the T op 7 N uts and S eeds that are safe for your gout:

  1. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are  one  of the plant-based protein sources that  are lowest in purines .

Love Earth Organic Sunflower Kernel 400g

  • 100% organic seeds from China
  • F ree of GMO, Gluten, sugar, and sodium
  • R ich in vitamin E, magnesium, and selenium
  • H elp in reducing the risk of inflammation, heart disease, and Type 2 Diabetes
  1. Pecans

Pecans contain 10mg per 3.5 ounces of purine acid and are rich in magnesium which is  known for its anti-inflammatory benefits . Research has shown that increased consumption of magnesium decreases the body's inflammatory indicators, also reduces arterial wall inflammation, reduces the risk of arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular disease, and other inflammatory ailments.

Love Earth Light Roasted Natural Pecan 120g

  • 100% natural pecan from Mexico
  • C ontains more than 19 vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, B, and E, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc
  • R educe the risk of arthritis, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, and others disease
  1. Flaxseed

F laxseed contain 28mg per 3.5 ounces of purine acid and are  rich in essential fatty acids, which the human body cannot produce. A study shows that flaxseed can reduce the 34% level of uric acid within six months on rat experiments. It proves that f laxseed will keep the cholesterol under control and decline  blood pressure .

Love Earth Linwoods Milled Organic Flaxseed 200g

  • 100% flaxseed, daily free, gluten-free, and it is suitable for vegans and vegetarians too
  • O ne of the richest plant sources of Omega-3
  • P revent s constipation, diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease

Love Earth Organic Golden Flaxseed 400g

  • 100% organic flaxseed from China, free of GMO, gluten, sugar, and sodium as well it is suitable for vegans and vegetarians too
  • It is high in Omega-3 and contains Lignan, it promotes balanced blood sugar, cholesterol, and pressure

Love Earth Organic Brown Flaxseed 420g

  • 100% organic flaxseed from China, free of GMO, gluten, sugar, and sodium as well it is suitable for vegans and vegetarians too
  • Brown flaxseed is a little larger than sesame seeds, contain dietary fiber, lignans, Omega-3, and protein, it promotes balanced blood sugar, cholesterol, and pressure
  1. Walnuts

Walnuts are a gout-friendly alkaline protein source and contain plenty of Omega-3. They contain 25mg per 3.5 ounces purine acid. They  also carry powerful anti-inflammatory properties .  Thus, r aw walnuts provide the safest source for Gout and Arthritis sufferers .

According to the Arthritis Foundation ,  National Offic e found that  their effects can  lower C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and arthritis.

Love Earth Natural Raw Walnut 300g

  • 100% natural walnut from the USA, rich in antioxidants, monounsaturated  fatty acids, and Omega-3
  • It can reduce LDL (bad cholesterol), prevents inflammation in the body, and can also be a treatment for Type 2 diabetes
  1. Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts  contain 25mg per 3.5 ounces purine acid .  They are also brilliant  superfoods  and carry powerful antioxidants  for reducing excessive inflammation in the body.

According to a study, the researchers reported t he ir  results put forward that there is a long-term decrease in inflammatory responses in individuals who consumed more Brazil nuts as a part of their daily diet.

Furthermore, according to another study, the researchers stated Brazil nuts contain high amounts of fiber which helps reduce inflammation caused by gout.

Love Earth Light Roasted Brazil Nut 160g

  • 100% natural Brazil nut from Bolivia
  • G ood source of magnesium, protein, selenium, vitamin E, and zinc
  • Contains  selenium, a powerful antioxidant linked to lower rates of cancer and heart disease, also help to boost the immune system
  • Rich in vitamin E  that helps prevent heart disease
  1. Almonds

Almonds are very nutritious  and contain 10mg per 3.5 ounces purine acid. They are loaded with manganese, magnesium, and vitamin E . The brown Almond skin  c arr ies  plenty of antioxidants to fight with free radicals that destroy and damage human cells.

Love Earth Light Roasted Natural Almond 350g and Love Earth Natural Raw Almond 400g

  • 100% n atural a lmond from the USA
  • H igh in m onounsaturated fats that helps to improve the function of your blood vessels
  • Also rich  in v itamin E h elps  to  prevent heart disease
  1. Cashew Nuts

Cashew  nuts  contain 25mg per 3.5 ounces purine acid. They are known to decrease the level of LDL cholesterol while boosting healthy cholesterol, HDL.

Love Earth Lightly Roasted Cashew Nut 320g and Love Earth Natural Raw Cashew Nut 400g

  • 1 00% Natural Cashew nut from India
  • C ontains v itamins B6, E ,  and K  along with minerals like copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc, all of which are important for maintaining great bodily function

These nuts and seeds are low in purines and nutritious, thus it is safe for  gout  patients . However, they are also high in healthy fats which makes them higher in calories as well. Consume about a handful (about 25g) of nuts and seeds daily to enjoy the  health benefits  and prevent weight gain .

Written By: Ng Kai Wen

BSc.(Hons). Food Science with Nutrition

UCSI University

Reviewed By: Jasmine Lim

Love Earth Organic Nutritionist

Bachelor of Science Degree in

Dietetics (major) & Food Science (minor)

Iowa State University, USA

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Are Nuts Good for Gout Diet
