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How to Mod Black Ops 2 Xbox One Free

[BO2] is Black ops 2 still hacked to hell?

One of my favourite CODs but its been filled with hackers for like the past year and i really wan to play it

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level 1

Yes, because of the theater mode infections, both 360 and Xbox One players can cheat. If they would just issue a small patch to turn off theater mode, that would cut down on a lot of the mods.

level 2

What is this? Never heard of those methods. Csn you explain?

level 2

I swear to God you can only do theater infections on ps3 are you telling me someone has found a way for 360 or am I just an idiot

level 2

Or maybe the fact that everyone and their brother can pay to jailbreak their PS3 and be taught how to use it. I taught myself and did it all on my own...the power of the internet my friends

level 2

Is this also why there's so many hackers in BO1? I'm seeing hackers in every single lobby these days, I'm getting booted because of hackers and seeing doublehealth/godmode guys in a 70% of SnD lobbies.

What do the mods do? Can an infection really give someone the ability to turn on Godmode and boot players from games?

level 2

Do the theater mode infections allow you to get max rank and prevent deranking? I don't mind leaving lobbies but getting deranked is evil. Apparently you can get deranked in Black Ops 2 but Black Ops 1 doesn't have deranking. Can you still play against local bots if you get deranked?

edit: I think you can do this to get your rank back if you get deranked:

level 1

On PS3 it's hit and miss, some days it's hack free others I can't get in a nonhacked lobby

level 2

I've been coming back to it to see if its hack free atleast once a month but i gave up because its impossible on the 360

level 2

Is there someone still playing BO2 on ps3 now?

level 1

I played a couple days ago for the first time since last year, first game I join there were dudes with red names so I left, then my account got reset to level 1.

level 2

luckily that hasnt happened to me yet, i want to keep my master prestige xD (the only COD i've actually done that so its kinda big deal for me)

level 2

Are you able to get everything back? I would literally be knocking on Treyarch's door if I got reset lol

level 1

Yeah, playing gun game is pretty much impossible. Why do people think hacking is fun?

level 1

On PS3 it's fine if you uninstall DLC except pack 1 (Hydro/Grind/Downhill/Mirage and Peacekeeper). Barely any hackers. Just modded score per minute stats.

level 2

Yeah. I've always only had DLC 1 on Bo2 and have never run into any hackers on there even back between 2013-2015. I picked up bo2 again in April and I've been playing it a couple times each month since then and still haven't run into any hackers..

Hell, I usually find 20+ matches during matchmaking as well so no problems finding lobbies either (in TDM at least)

level 1

On Xbox, yes. On PS3 and PC, sometimes but it's not common.

level 1

Yes it's literally no fun most lobbies you spawn in with diamond guns and get headshotted upon spawn it's more fun to play with bots than online and if you ain't got diamond or gold don't plan on it without a mod menu.

How to Mod Black Ops 2 Xbox One Free
